Lesson Topic/Title

Monster Exchange Project


Shannon Conant and Suzie Handzlik


One student draws a picture. This student then writes a detailed description of what s/he drew. The description is E-mailed to a student at another school. The student reads the description and attempts to draw the picture that matches the description. Pictures are then compared.

Content Area(s) and Grade Level

English/Language Arts Grades K-8


Integrated disciplines



Students will make use of their reading and writing skills.


Computer for E-mail, Scanner




Before class, draw a picture. Write down a description, of the picture, on the board or overhead. Tell the students to draw the picture when they get into class.

What teacher is to do

Draw picture and write description. When students are done, they will compare their pictures with the teachers. Have students draw their own picture. (Set limits to what they can draw) Have students E-mail their descriptions to a partner classroom.

What students are to do

Draw a picture based on the description of the teacher. Compare picture with teacher. Students will then draw their own picture. Students will then write a description of their picture. Make sure they use lots of adjectives so that they are giving a good description.

E-mail description to partner class.


Talk about the next days activity.


Grades will be based on the description the students write. No grade will be given for the pictures drawn.

Merryellen Towey Schulz, Ph.D. College of Saint Mary Spring, 2000